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Result of your search for "park"

Suggestions 20 - 30 from61
  • Parc del Laberint

    Parc del Laberint

    The green jewel of the Horta and Guinardó district. Designed in 1792 by the Italian engineer Domenico Bagutti, this is Barcelona's oldest garden.

  • Sant Andreu

    Sant Andreu

    Sant Andreu was originally an agricultural community, which became one of the city's main industrial and retail districts. In recent years, the area has evolved at a rapid pace, with improvements being made to abandoned industrial sites and derelict plots of land which have been incorporated into the traditional areas of Sant Andreu, with its main square, the Plaça del Mercadal, and the church of Sant Andreu del Palomar.

  • Parc del Clot

    Parc del Clot

    It was laid out in the 1980s on land occupied by factories and workshops, incorporating architectural elements from the past in a modern setting.

  • Parc de Sant Martí

    Set out around the original centre of the Clot neighbourhood, the park offers six hectares of green space where you can walk, do some sport or meet up with friends and neighbours.

  • Parc del Centre del Poblenou

    Parc del Centre del Poblenou

    Jean Nouvel's imprint can be seen once again in the new Barcelona. An architectural gem combining different zones and a variety of planting.

  • Gràcia i Park Güell

    Gràcia i Park Güell

    No other neighbourhood in Barcelona better encapsulates traditional charm and vibrant modernity than Gràcia. Formerly a separate village, it now forms the core of the Barcelona's 6th district, which also includes other neighbourhoods such as Vallcarca, Penitents and La Salut

  • Parc de la Creueta del Coll

    Parc de la Creueta del Coll

    A green space in Gràcia's district with a unique area for bathing which also conceals several artistic surprises.

  • Zoo de Barcelona

    Zoo de Barcelona

    A living spectacle with inhabitants from around the world, as you discover its fauna: primates, felines, tropical birds, dolphins…

  • Sant Miquel del Fai

    Sant Miquel del Fai

    A visit of mystical beauty to the only Romanesque chapel in Catalonia built inside a grotto just 50 kilometres from Barcelona.

  • Four days in Barcelona

    Four days in Barcelona

    You can get a lot out of four days in Barcelona if you plan your visit carefully. Here are some suggestions which include the city’s main landmarks and even invite you to discover some of the areas outside Barcelona, so that you can really make the most of your trip.

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